Led by local fiber artist Moraa Nyaribo, My Hair and I: A Reflective Weaving Workshop, invites participants of all ages to explore the powerful narratives woven into our hair. Taking place in the museum’s lower main gallery, families and individuals alike will celebrate the beauty and diversity of hair as a medium for self-expression and empowerment. Through guided activities and shared storytelling, participants will create personal hair sculptures, each a reflection of unique experiences and identities. Each hair sculpture will contribute to a collective artwork.  

Registration is full. Please contact programs@pulitzerarts.org to be added to the waitlist.







On the left, Monday Morning depicts the artist’s childhood memories of weekends spent with her mother braiding her hair into cornrows during the car ride to school. The piece captures the essence of these sweet moments through its blend of colorful fibers and intricate braids. On the right, Sokoro Protective draws from the Kisii tradition of wearing permanent bangles to honor ancestors and provide spiritual protection. The artwork features a single braid and seed beads, symbolizing the extension of the arm and the ancestral guidance these bangles represent.